Sunday, April 5, 2009

politics or religion?

This may be more politics than religion but this article in the Washington Monthly is well worth a read:

A RELIGIOUS RIGHT CRACK-UP?.... In general, the most noticeable fissure among politically conservative evangelical Christians is generational. In this dynamic, older evangelicals see themselves as an appendage of the Republican Party, and consider abortion and gay rights as the only "moral" issues that matter. Younger evangelicals are less partisan, and consider poverty and global warming important, too.

But there's another fissure, which in the short term, may be even more consequential. It's between leaders of the religious movement vs. those more inclined to take John 18:36 to heart (Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world").

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to know the Evangelicals who consider themselves appendages to the GOP. Some may think they run it, or can dictate to it, but I can't think of one who would consider themselves an appendage.
