Thursday, April 23, 2009

current certified congregations

According to the UUA Data Services website with its List of Congregations That Submitted Membership Numbers to the UUA between November 15, 2008 and February 2, 2009, the

Total certified congregations, including those with no financial contribution: 997.

Update: Some earlier congregational membership data is online here.


  1. ChaliceChick and I are more or less having a discussion about that. Did the UUA "lose" some congregations? If so how many? I thought I heard Rev. Laurel Hallman talking about 74 congregations gone AWOL during the telephone presidential forum. . . I am trying to get a handle on current adult membership and RE enrolment statistics without getting out a calculator and adding up the figures for all current 997 congregations. If you know an easy way to get those figures please do tell. I am quite sure that there was a measurable, even significant, drop in overall adult membership *and* RE enrolments in the last year or two.

  2. Robin, I don't. But here are some figures ( for 2004-2008.

  3. Thanks for that helpful URL Peripatos.

    Why UUA Data Services couldn't have directed me to it a couple of months ago when I requested updated membership statistics is beyond me. I expect that it is beyond them to. . .

    The incompetence. The incompetence. . .
