Monday, March 16, 2009

pensée is French for pansy . . .

According to Encyclopædia Britannica, the term pensée
originated with French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal, whose Pensées (1670) was a collection of some 800 to 1,000 notes and manuscript fragments expressing his religious beliefs.
I am borrowing the name for his collection and not a jot of his beliefs. This blog will be the notes and fragments expressing my own religious journeys and musings. I expect it will be fun and somewhat irreverent.


  1. A penny for your thoughts about this Pensée of Blaise Pascal.

  2. The evil of religious conviction is real (there is a history) but it should not cause me to cower into my own corner of the universe.

    O love is the crooked thing,
    There is nobody wise enough
    To find out all that is in it,
    For he would be thinking of love
    Till the stars had run away
    And the shadows eaten the moon.
    Ah, penny, brown penny, brown penny,
    One cannot begin it too soon.

  3. Correction Peripatos -

    The evil of *some* religious convictions is real

    BTW It occurs to me that pansy is the English bastardization of pensée rather than the reverse.
