Tuesday, May 19, 2009

God's will

"It is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men."
-- biblical quote from Top Secret war briefing memo prepared by Pentagon for President Bush (April 2003).

The full slideshow of memos is online here.


  1. I prayed during rocket attacks in Baghdad. That wrong of me?

  2. I will let Peripatos answer that question Bill, but I think that you are comparing apples to oranges by asking it. Clearly there is a difference between the U.S. military liberally sprinkling Biblical quotes throughout top secret memos regarding the war on Iraq and a private individual praying (presumably silently) during a rocket attack.

    For the record I "went" to see the "slide show" and found many of the Biblical quotes used to be remarkably ironic in light of what actually went down in Iraq. . .

  3. Interestingly enough the Google word verification code aka WVC for the above comment was -

